西山真理子のページ(Mariko Nishiyama) (nishiyama(a)faculty.chiba-u.jp)





Song D, Nishiyama M, Kimura S: Potent inhibition of angiotensin AT1 receptor signaling by RGS8: Importance of the C terminal third exon part of its RGS domain. J Recept Signal Transduct. 36(5):478-487, 2016.


Nishiyama M, Ishii M, Hirose S, Yamasaki H, Kimura S: Chapter 239, In silico search for biologically active peptides. in "Handbook of the Biologically Active Peptides", 2nd edition, edited by Kastin AJ, Academic Press, pp1743-1748, 2013.


Matsuzaki N, Nishiyama M, Song D, Moroi K, Kimura S: Potent and selective inhibition of angiotensin AT1 receptor signalling by RGS2: Roles of its N-terminal domain. Cellular Signalling, 23(6):1041-1049, 2011.


Moroi K, Nishiyama M, Kawabata S, Ichiba H, Yajima T, Kimura S: Phosphorylation of Ser166 in RGS5 by protein kinase C causes loss of RGS function. Life Sciences, 81(1): 40-50, 2007.


Matsuo Y, Amano S, Furuya M, Namiki K, Sakurai K, Nishiyama M, Sudo T, Tatsumi K, Kuriyama T, Kimura S, Kasuya Y: Involvement of p38alpha mitgen-activayed protein kinase in lung metastasis of tumor cells. J Biol Chem, 281: 36767-36775, 2006.


Furuya M, Nishiyama M, Kasuya Y, Kimura S, Ishikura H: Pathophysiology of Tumor Neovascularization. Vasc Health Risk Management, I(4):277-290, 2005.

Suyama T, Furuya M, Nishiyama M, Kasuya Y, Kimura S, Ichikawa T, Ueda T, Nikaido T, Ito H, Ishikura H: Up-Regulation of IFN-γ-Inducible Chemokine I-TAC and Mig, and Their Receptor CXCR3 in Human Renal Cell Carcinoma. Cancer, 103: 258-67, 2005.


Furuya M, Nishiyama M, Kimura S, Suyama T, Naya Y, Ito H, Nikaido T, Ishikura H: Expression of a Regulator of G Protein Signaling, RGS5 in Angiogenic Vessels of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma. J Pathology, 203: 551-558, 2004.


Sato M, Moroi K, Nishiyama M, Zhou J, Usui H, Kasuya Y, Fukuda M, Kohara Y, Komuro I, Kimura S: Characterization of a novel C. elegans RGS protein with a C2 domain - Evidence for interaction between C2 domain and Galfaq subunit - Life Sciences, 73: 917-932, 2003.


Zhou J, Moroi K, Nishiyama M, Usui H, Seki N, Ishida J, Fukamizu A, Kimura S: Characterization of RGS5 in regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Life Sciences, 68: 1457-1469, 2001.


Usui H, Nishiyama M, Moroi K, Shibasaki T, Zhou J, Ishida J, Fukamizu A, Haga T, Sekiya S, Kimura S: RGS domain in the amino-terminus of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 inhibits Gq-mediated signaling. Int J Mol Med, 5: 335-340, 2000.


Shibasaki T, Moroi K, Nishiyama M, Zhou J, Sakamoto A, Masaki T, Ito K, Haga T, Kimura S: Characterization of the carboxyl terminal-truncated endothelin B receptor coexpressed with G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. Biochem Mol Biol Int, 47: 569-577, 1999.


Tanaka H, Moroi K, Iwai J, Takahashi H, Ohnuma N, Hori S, Takimoto M, Nishiyama M, Masaki T, Yanagisawa M, Sekiya S, Kimura S: Novel mutations of the endothelin B receptor gene in patients with Hirschsprung's disease and their characterization. J Biol Chem, 273,:11378-1183, 1998.


Mizuguchi T, Nishiyama M, Moroi K, Tanaka H, Saito T, Masuda Y, Masaki T, de Wit D, Yanagisawa M, Kimura S: Analysis of two pharmacologically predicted endothelin B receptor subtypes by using the endothelin B receptor gene knockout mouse. Br J Pharmacol, 120:1427-1430, 1997.


Shan LH, Nishiyama M, Shibasaki T, Moroi K, Goto K, Masaki T, Kimura S: Endothelin ETA and ETB receptors mediate endothelin-1-induced apamin-sensitive relaxation in the guinea pig ileum. Jpn J Pharmacol, 70: 259-267, 1996.


Nishiyama M, Shan LH, Moroi K, Masaki T, Kimura S: Heterogeneity of endothelin ETA receptor-mediated contractions in the rabbit saphenous vein. Eur J Pharmacol, 286: 209-212, 1995.

Nishiyama M, Moroi K, Shan LH, Yamamoto M, Takasaki C, Masaki T, Kimura S: Two different endothelin B receptor subtypes mediate contraction of the rabbit saphenous vein. Jpn J Pharmacol, 68: 235-243, 1995.

Nishiyama M, Takahara Y, Masaki T, Nakajima N, Kimura S: Pharmacological heterogeneity of both endothelin ETA- and ETB-receptors in the human saphenous vein. Jpn J Pharmacol, 69, 391-398, 1995.


Shinmi O, Yorimitsu K, Moroi K, Nishiyama M, Sugita Y, Saito T, Inagaki Y, Masaki T, Kimura S: Endothelin-2-converting enzyme from human renal adenocarcinoma cells is a phosphoramidon-sensitive, membrane-bound metalloprotease. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 22(Suppl 8): S61-S64, 1993.


Yorimitsu K, Shinmi O, Nishiyama M, Moroi K, Sugita Y, Saito T, Inagaki Y, Masaki T, Kimura S: Effect of phosphoramidon on big endothelin-2 conversion into endothelin-2 in human renal adenocarcinoma (ACHN) cells. Analysis of endothelin-2 biosynthetic pathway. FEBS Lett, 314: 395-358, 1992.


Nishiyama M, Kuga T: Central effects of the neurotropic mycotoxin fumitremorgin A in the rabbit. (II). Effects on the brain stem. Jpn J Pharmacol, 52: 201-208, 1990.


Nishiyama M, Kuga T: Central effects of the neurotropic mycotoxin fumitremorgin A in the rabbit (I). Effects on the spinal cord. Jpn J Pharmacol, 50: 167-173, 1989.


Nishiyama M, Kuga T: Pharmacological effects of the tremorgenic mycotoxin fumitremorgin A. Jpn J Pharmacol, 40: 481-489, 1986.


Takashi K, Nishiyama M, Kuga T: Hemolysis and hyperpotassemia in rat induced by the thermostable direct hemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Jpn J Pharmacol, 32: 377-380, 1982.



西山真理子、木村定雄:キーワード解説 RGS(Gタンパク質シグナル調節因子) 日本薬理学雑誌 139(1): 41-42, 2012. 

木村定雄、西山真理子、石井祟洋、廣瀬修一、山崎寛之:『ペプチドと創薬』 創薬候補ペプチドの探索 遺伝子情報からの予測 遺伝子医学MOOK 8: 57-62, 2007.

諸井佳代子、西山真理子、木村定雄:最近の話題 新しい酸素センサー兼NOセンサー、RGSタンパク質.  日本薬理学雑誌 127: 50, 2006.

西山真理子、木村定雄:「現代の神経内分泌学」 (吉田尚 編)II 視床下部ー下垂体系の分子機構 NO(一酸化窒素) p85-90, メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル、1996.


木村定雄西山真理子、依光一之:血管平滑筋収縮・弛緩因子 循環器専門医 1(1): 93-102, 1993.

木歩士亘之、西山真理子、久我哲郎、石井隆幸、仮屋勝秀、小笠原定則:Sodium N-Acetylneuraminate (KI-111)の一般薬理作用 応用薬理 457-472, 1990.

西山真理子、大槻和男、久我哲郎:モルモット摘出結腸輪状筋の非ムスカリン作動性収縮におけるtachykinin類の関与について 日本平滑筋学会雑誌 25(5):222-224, 1989.

黒岩豊秋、待井猪一浩、西山真理子、久我哲郎:モルモット摘出回腸縦走筋標本における宮入菌(Clostridium butyricum Miyari)培養濾液液の薬理学的研究 応用薬理 37(1):1-7, 1989.

西山真理子、大槻和男、久我哲郎:モルモット摘出結腸における粘膜下神経叢刺激で生ずる非アドレナリン性抑制反応について 日本平滑筋学会雑誌 23(4):329-331, 1987.

久我哲郎、西山真理子:酪酸菌の整腸効果発現機序の研究 生物活性研究所報告 14:103-105, 1986.

黒岩豊秋、西山真理子、久我哲郎:モルモット摘出結腸内腔潅流と薬物作用 日本平滑筋学会雑誌 21:194-196, 1985.

武田成彰、西山真理子、加藤秀典:肝癌に対する肝切除前後の凝血学的検討 血管と脈管 15(6):666-673, 1984.

加藤秀典、武田成彰、西山真理子:先天性アンチトロンビン3欠乏症の一家系 血管と脈管 14(1):83-85, 1983.

久我哲郎、西山真理子:脳幹網様体の興奮性と向神経性カビ毒 生物活性研究所報告 11:10-14, 1983.