
業績 (Publications)




English version

業績 (Publications)

< 2021 >

原著(Original papers)

1. Shinjyo N, Hikosaka K, Kido Y, Yoshida H, Norose K. Toxoplasma infection induces sustained up-regulation of complement factor B and C5a receptor in the mouse brain via microglial activation: Implication for the alternative complement pathway activation and anaphylatoxin signaling in cerebral toxoplasmosis. Front Immunol. 2021;11:603924.

2. Li K, Feng X, Hikosaka K, Norose K. Murine model of primary acquired ocular toxoplasmosis: Fluorescein angiography and multiplex immune mediator profiles in the aqueous humor. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(3):9.

3. Akuta T, Minegishi D, Kido N, Imaizumi K, Nakaoka S, Tachibana SI, Hikosaka K, Hori F, Masataka, Nakagawa, Sakuma C, Oouchi Y, Nakajima Y, Tanaka S, Omiya T, Morikaku K, Kawahara M, Tada Y, Tarui H, Ueda T, Kikuchi-Ueda T, Ono Y. Development of a rapid scabies immunodiagnostic assay based on transcriptomic analysis of Sarcoptes scabiei var. nyctereutis. Sci Rep 2021;11:6455.

4. Shinjyo N, Nakayama H, Li L, Isimaru K, Hikosaka K, Suzuki N, Yoshida
H, Norose K. Hypericum perforatum extract and hyperforin inhibit the growth of neurotropic parasite Toxoplasma gondii and infection-induced inflammatory responses of glial cells in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol.2021;267:113525.

5. Sakamoto H, Kita K, Matsuzaki M. A Novel 2A-peptide-containing plasmid to generate stable Perkinsus marinus cells expressing organelle-targeted genes. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 2021;68:e12861.

6. Kitahara M, Hiroshima Y, Norose K, Hikosaka K, Kazumoto H, Uematsu N, Shishido T, Kaiume H, Sato K, Ueki T, Sumi M, Watanabe M, Kobayashi H. Clinical characteristics and incidence of toxoplasmosis after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A retrospective study and literature review. Transplant Infect Dis. 2021 in press.

症例報告(Case reports)
1. 上田菜月,多田克彦,野呂瀬一美,中村 信,熊澤一真
検査キットにより検査値の差が大きかったトキソプラズマIgM抗体持続陽性の妊婦症例. 日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌, 印刷中

2. 熊田大樹猪爪隆史栗田遼二野呂瀬一美彦坂健児丸山治彦松江弘之
感染源が不明であったドロレス顎口虫による皮膚爬行症の1例. 皮膚科の臨床, 印刷中

1. Sakamoto H, Nakada-Tsukui K, Besteiro S. The autophagy machinery in human-parasitic protists; Diverse functions for universally conserved proteins. Cells. 2021;10(5):1258.

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