
業績 (Publications)




English version

業績 (Publications)

< 2011 >

原著 ( Original papers )

1. Norose K, Kikumura A, Luster AD, Hunter CA, Harris TH. CXCL10 is required to maintain T cell populations and control parasite replication during chronic ocular toxoplasmosis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52(1):389-398.

2. Makino M, Uemura N, Moroda M, Kikumura A, Piao LX, Mohamed RM, Aosai F. Innate immunity in DNA vaccine with Toxoplasma gondii-heat shock protein 70 gene that induces DC activation and Th1 polarization. Vaccine 2011;29(10):1899-1905.

3. Belal US, Norose K, Mohamed RM, Naoi K, Yano A. Transplantation of skin grafts and organs infected with Toxoplasma gondii as a source of toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised mice. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2011;64(2):127-32.

4. 若林正一郎、中野倫代、外川八英、神戸直智、松江弘之、野呂瀬一美、青才文江 超音波検査が虫体先進部位の同定に有用であったcreeping disease. 皮膚病診療. 2011; 33: 129-132.

著書 (Books)

青才文江 「トキソプラズマ感染の予防・疫学と母子感染」母子感染 川名尚・小島俊行編 金原出版 160-166., 2011.

総説 (Reviews)

青才文江 特集I:感染防御とパターン認識レセプター トキソプラズマHSP70によるTLR4を介した樹状細胞活性化とTh1細胞の誘導 臨床免疫・アレルギー科 科学評論社 2011;55:35-43

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