Message from Department Chairman

免疫発生学 教授 中山俊憲
Toshinori Nakayama, MD, Ph.D
Professor and Chairman
Department of Immunology

Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University! Our Department is primarily concerned with investigating the molecular mechanisms that govern the regulation of the immune system. We have been specifically focusing on the study of the establishment and maintenance of "Immunological Memory". We are also interested in the etiology and therapeutic strategies for immune disorders, such as allergic diseases and cancer. Through these research activities, we eagerly promote young doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the fields of both basic and clinical immunology. Many basic and clinical immunologists have been educated and trained over the last 30 years, and they have made remarkable contributions to the field since Prof. Tomio Tada first established the Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiba University in 1978. A former Department Chairman, Prof. Masaru Taniguchi (1980-2004) is currently director of RCAI (Riken Research Center for Allergy and Immunology) in Yokohama ( I took over this department in 2004. In October 2008, Chiba University started a global COE program known as a "Global Center for Education and Research in Immune System Regulation and Treatment" ( I will promote this program as a program leader. If you are interested in our lab or our global COE program, please contact us. (Toshinori Nakayama, May, 2009)