論文業績 2001-2005
- Nezu M, Tomonaga T, Sakai C, Ishii A, Itoga S, Nishimura M, Matsuo Y, Tagawa M, Nomura F. Expression of the fetal-oncogenic fibroblast growth factor-8/17/18 subfamily in human hematopoietic tumors. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005; 335: 843-849.
- Suzuki T, Kiyoi H, Ozeki K, Tomita A, Yamaji S, Suzuki R, Kodera Y, Miyawaki S, Asou N, Kuriyama K, Yagasaki F, Shimazaki C, Akiyama H, Nishimura M, Motoji T, Shinagawa K, Takeshita A, Ueda R, Kinoshita T, Emi N, Naoe T. Clinical characteristics and prognostic implications of NPM1 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 2005; 106: 2854-2861.
- Shimazaki C, Fujii H, Yoshida T, Chou T, Nishimura M, Asaoku H, Miyawaki S, Ishii A, Ishida T, Taniwaki M, Iida S, Takagi T, Takatsuki K. Reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma: results from the Japan Myeloma Study Group. Int J Hematol 2005; 81: 342-348.
- Imamura T, Yokosuka O, Chiba T, Kanda T, Kojima H, Fukai K, Imazeki F, Nishimura M, Saito Y, Saisho H. Lamivudine treatment in a patient with hepatitis B virus reactivation after allogenic peripheral bone marrow transplantation. Leuk Lymphoma 2005; 46: 915-917.
- Furukawa Y, Sutheesophon K, Wada T, Nishimura M, Saito Y, Ishii H, Furukawa Y. Methylation silencing of the Apaf-1 gene in acute leukemia. Mol Cancer Res 2005; 3: 325-334.
- 中世古知昭, 渡邉博幸, 趙龍桓, 齋藤康, 西村美樹. 診断に苦慮し、長期間に渡り大量の輸血を要した自己瀉血による虚偽性貧血の一例. 内科. 96: 1168-1171, 2005.
- 武内正博、岩間厚志. 特集 耐性遺伝子,予後不良因子の最新知識 C/EBP転写因子群と白血病.血液・腫瘍科 51(6):563-569, 2005
- Uehara T, Nakaseko C, Hara S, Harima A, Ejiri M, Yokota A, Saito Y, Nishimura M. Successful control of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected cells by allogeneic nonmyeloablative stem cell transplantation in a patient with the lethal form of chronic active EBV infection. Am J Hematol. 2004; 76(4): 368-372.
- Ohwada C, Nakaseko C, Ozawa S, Takeuchi M, Shono K, Koizumi M, Sakaida E, Cho R, Saito Y, Nishimura M. Second cord blood transplantation (CBT) with reduced-intensity conditioning for graft failure after the first CBT for AML. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2004; 34(11): 999-1000.
- Shimizu N, Asai T. Analysis for the optimal blood draw speed to collect sufficient peripheral blood mononuclear cells by COBE Spectra. Ther Apher Dial 2004; 8: 190-193.
- Ozeki K, Kiyoi H, Hirose Y, Iwai M, Ninomiya M, Kodera Y, Miyawaki S, Kuriyama K, Shimazaki C, Akiyama H, Nishimura M, Motoji T, Shinagawa K, Takeshita A, Ueda R, Ohno R, Emi N, Naoe T. Biologic and clinical significance of the FLT3 transcript level in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 2004; 103: 1901-1908.
- Imataki O, Kami M, Kim SW, Gotoh M, Komaba S, Kasai M, Hashino S, Naito K, Masuda M, Anan K, Teshima H, Togitani K, Inoue T, Nishimura M, Adachi Y, Fukuhara T, Yamashita T, Uike N, Kobayashi Y, Hamaguchi M, Higuchi M, Kawakami K, Takaue Y. A nationwide survey of deep fungal infections and fungal prophylaxis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Japan. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004; 33: 1173-1179.
- Ariyoshi N, Sho-No K, Nishimura M, Ito M, Nakamura H, Asai T, Saitoh Y, Ishizaki T, Kitada M. The use of urine to clarify the genotype of a patient with toxic phenytoin concentrations who had undergone peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2004; 58: 225-226.
- Morishima Y, Ogura M, Nishimura M, Yazaki F, Bessho M, Mizoguchi H, Chiba S, Hirai H, Tauchi T, Urabe A, Takahashi M, Ohnishi K, Yokozawa T, Emi N, Hirano M, Shimazaki C, Nakao S, Kawai Y, Fujimoto M, Taguchi H, Jinnai I, Ohno R. Efficacy and safety of imatinib mesylate for patients in the first chronic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia: results of a Japanese phase II clinical study. Int J Hematol 2004; 80: 261-266.
- Sakaida E, Nakaseko C, Harima A, Yokota A, Cho R, Saito Y, Nishimura M. Late-onset noninfectious pulmonary complications after allogeneic stem cell transplantation are significantly associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease and with the graft-versus-leukemia effect. Blood 2003; 102(12): 4236-4242.
- 中世古知昭. EBM血液疾患の治療 2005-2006.急性リンパ性白血病 50歳以下の症例で移植可能なHLA一致同胞ドナーがいた場合には、移植は第一寛解期に行うべきか? 押見和夫, 別所正美, 岡本真一郎, 加藤淳(編集), 東京, 中外医学社; p284-291, 2004. (単行本)
- 堺田恵美子, 中世古知昭, 西村美樹. 同種造血幹細胞移植後の遅発性肺合併症と慢性GVHD. 血液・腫瘍科. 49: 278-286, 2004.
- Yokote K, Take A, Nakaseko C, Kobayashi K, Fujimoto M, Kawamura H, Maezawa Y, Nishimura M, Mori S, Saito Y. Bone marrow-derived vascular cells in response to injury. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2003; 10(4): 205-210.
- Chiba T, Yokosuka O, Kojima H, Fukai K, Imazeki F, Saisho H, Nishimura M, Saito Y. Chronic graft-versus-host disease complicated by acute hepatitis B. J Clin Gastroenterol 2003; 36: 179-181.
- Ishii H, Vecchione A, Furukawa Y, Sutheesophon K, Han SY, Druck T, Kuroki T, Trapasso F, Nishimura M, Saito Y, Ozawa K, Croce CM, Huebner K, Furukawa Y. Expression of FRA16D/WWOX and FRA3B/FHIT genes in hematopoietic malignancies. Mol Cancer Res 2003; 1: 940-947.
- 中世古知昭, 高林克比己. 一般医も診る血液疾患 血液エマージェンシーの管理 血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病(TTP)/溶血性尿毒症症候群(HUS). Medicina. 40(5): 866-868, 2003.
- 中世古知昭, 西村美樹. シンポジウム6 多発性骨髄腫の層別化と治療 同種移植(ミニトランスプラント)の有用性. 臨床血液. 43: 341-344, 2002.
- 石塚保弘, 横田朗, 原暁, 中世古知昭, 松浦康弘, 西村美樹, 齋藤康. 同種骨髄移植後に一過性のネフローゼ症候群を発症した慢性骨髄性白血病. 臨床血液. 42(4): 321-327, 2001.
- 酒井力, 早乙女隆, 竹下明宏, 中世古知昭, 熊谷匡也, 高木敏之. Irinotecan+Adriamycin療法のQOL改善と延命効果 標準的化学療法に抵抗性の非Hodgkinリンパ腫4例の報告. 癌と化学療法. 26:709-714, 1999.
- 中世古知昭, 飯田智彦, 齊藤隆. T細胞活性化の負の制御 CTLA-4を介するネガティブシグナル伝達. 臨床免疫. 32:306-313, 1999.
- 伊勢美樹子, 中世古知昭, 酒井力, 高木敏之. リンパ節に発症し比較的短期間に治療抵抗性の多発性骨髄腫へ移行した髄外性形質細胞腫 —症例報告と文献的考察—. 臨床血液. 40: 505-510, 1999.
- 中世古知昭, 齊藤隆 免疫 しくみと疾患のすべて. CTLA-4を介するネガティブシグナル伝達 宮坂信之(編集). 東京、羊土社、1999: 44-55, 1999(単行本)
- Uehara T, Nakaseko C, Yokota A, Saito Y, Nishimura M. A successful second unrelated BMT (UBMT) from a different unrelated donor to treat ALL that relapsed after the initial UBMT. Am J Hematol. 2002; 71(1): 37-40.
- Shimizu N, Asai T, Hashimoto S, Narita M, Kobayashi M, Ito M, Onoda M, Yokota A, Cho R, Nakaseko C, Nishimura M, Saito Y. Mobilization factors of peripheral blood stem cells in healthy donors. Ther Apher. 2002; 6(6): 413-418.
- Shimizu N, Nishimura M, Nakaseko C, Asai T, Saito Y. Role of IL-12 in reducing the rate of leukemic relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Chiba Med J. 2002; 75-82.
- Hashimoto S, Itoh M, Nishimura M, Asai T. Effect of filgrastim administration for steady-state mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells. Ther Apher 2002; 6: 431-436.
- Mikoshiba M, Ohashi K, Takei N, Okuyama Y, Maeda Y, Hiruma K, Akiyama H, Fukuhara O, Takeshita A, Sakamaki H. Successful unrelated bone marrow transplantation after arsenic trioxide treatment in a patient with relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. Int J Hematol 2002;75: 104-106.
- Takeuchi J, Kyo T, Naito K, Sao H, Takahashi M, Miyawaki S, Kuriyama K, Ohtake S, Yagasaki F, Murakami H, Asou N, Ino T, Okamoto T, Usui N, Nishimura M, Shinagawa K, Fukushima T, Taguchi H, Morii T, Mizuta S, Akiyama H, Nakamura Y, Ohshima T, Ohno R. Induction therapy by frequent administration of doxorubicin with four other drugs, followed by intensive consolidation and maintenance therapy for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: the JALSG-ALL93 study. Leukemia 2002; 16: 1259-1266.
- Naoe T, Tagawa Y, Kiyoi H, Kodera Y, Miyawaki S, Asou N, Kuriyama K, Kusumoto S, Shimazaki C, Saito K, Akiyama H, Motoji T, Nishimura M, Shinagawa K, Ueda R, Saito H, Ohno R. Prognostic significance of the null genotype of glutathione S-transferase-T1 in patients with acute myeloid leukemia: increased early death after chemotherapy. Leukemia 2002; 16: 203-208.
- Yamamoto Y, Kiyoi H, Nakano Y, Suzuki R, Kodera Y, Miyawaki S, Asou N, Kuriyama K, Yagasaki F, Shimazaki C, Akiyama H, Saito K, Nishimura M, Motoji T, Shinagawa K, Takeshita A, Saito H, Ueda R, Ohno R, Naoe T. Activating mutation of D835 within the activation loop of FLT3 in human hematologic malignancies. Blood 2001; 97: 2434-2439.
- Koizumi M, Nishimura M, Yokota A, Munekata S, Kobayashi T, Saito Y. Successful treatment of intravascular malignant lymphomatosis with high- dose chemotherapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 2001; 27: 1101-1103.
- Kono N, Ohashi K, Sasaki E, Okoshi Y, Mizuchi D, Mori S, Akiyama H, Karasawa K, Kaku H, Okamoto R, Maeda Y, Sasaki T, Okuyama Y, Hiruma K, Sakamaki H. Second allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with fludarabine-based low-intensity conditioning regimen for relapsed myelodysplastic syndrome after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Int J Hematol 2001; 73: 122-125.
- Kogure K, Urabe M, Mizukami H, Kume A, Sato Y, Monahan J, Ozawa K. Targeted integration of foreign DNA into a defined locus on chromosome 19 in K562 cells using AAV-derived components. Int J Hematol 2001; 73: 469-475.
- Nagata H, Numata T, Konno A, Mikata I, Kurasawa K, Hara S, Nishimura M, Yamamoto K, Shimizu N. Presence of natural killer-cell clones with variable proliferative capacity in chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection. Pathol Int 2001; 51: 778-85.
- Asai T, Shimizu N, Narita M, Kobayashi M. Calcium supplement increase on the second day of sequential two day leukapheresis. Ther Apher 2001; 5: 466-470.